The use of FaceTime has been approved for gaming at a historic bar in Las Vegas by the organization
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The use of FaceTime has been approved for gaming at a historic bar in Las Vegas by the organization

This was posted on January 31, 2024 at 11:14 AM.

Last updated on: January 31, 2024, 11:46h.

The Hard Hat Lounge, a longstanding bar in Las Vegas, has recently made headlines for an unprecedented achievement. Just last week, the establishment was granted a gaming license through a video call, which is believed to be a first in history.

The Hard Hat Lounge

The Hard Hat Lounge is one of the oldest bars still in operation in Las Vegas, ranking as either the second or third oldest. (Image: Google)

Frankie Sidoris, the new owner of the old dive bar, couldn’t attend the Nevada Gaming Commission (NGC) hearing because he was in Bogota, Columbia. That’s because he was touring South America with Slash of Guns N’ Roses as part of the famous lead guitarist’s solo band. Sidoris called in to the hearing from a car.

Commission chair Jennifer Togliatti, as reported by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, expressed her hope that you are a passenger.

He existed. Otherwise, the decision may not have been a unanimous one in favor of the bar. The commissioners granted a license with limitations that allowed for 15 slot machines.

The Hard Hat Top Hat. Sidoris, on the right, performs on tour with Slash. (Image: Instagram/@franksidoris)

Between Rock and Hard Hat

Sidoris, the son of Angela Stabile, an original member of the “Crazy Girls” cast, and Frank Sidoris, a pit boss at Resorts World, recently attended a hearing held by the Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB). At the hearing, he was granted the board’s recommendation for a license.

Although the atypical demand to dial in for a hearing may have been interpreted as proof that Sidoris placed more importance on rock n’ roll than gaming, the commissioners appeared to also be fans of music.

Commissioner Ogonna Brown expressed her enthusiasm for the surprise shows with no admission fee, stating that it is a great addition to Las Vegas. She acknowledged that while the location may not be new, the infusion of new energy is exciting. She wished the venue luck and looked forward to seeing their impact on Las Vegas.

The gaming license does not allow for cover charges because it mandates that license holders must allow the public to access their gaming equipment.

Old Hat

The Hard Hat, located at 1675 S. Industrial Road in downtown Las Vegas, is one of the longest-running bars in the city. It was founded in 1962, the same year as the Huntridge Tavern, but a decade after Atomic Liquors. The bar is housed in a building that originally served as a diner in 1958.

For a hot second, the Hard Hat was home to Guerrilla Pizza, a Detroit-style pizza company founded by Robby Cunningham, who began leasing the Hard Hat’s cramped kitchen from its former owner in 2020.

Cunningham informed Sidoris about the availability of the bar for sale and convinced him to enter into a partnership to buy it in 2022. Their partnership continued until May of last year, when Sidoris bought out Cunningham due to his need for a larger space. He then brought in local chef Bobby Meader’s Stay Tuned Burgers to take over the kitchen.

Sidoris successfully generated excitement for the bar’s second reopening in December by enlisting Slash and his friends to perform at the event.

No, not Axl.